Return Label

Dear Customer,

It is a shame that you have to send an item back. It is always inconvenient but also disappointing that a product was not what you expected. We have tried to make the return process a little easier by making it free and we will also send a voucher for the next purchase in the next few days as a gesture of goodwill. .

Thank you for your understanding.

Request a return label

Please complete the form below with your order information and submit to receive a return label via email.

    Your full name (required *)

    Order Number (required *)

    Your e-mail address (required *)

    Your telephone number (required *)

    What is the reason for returning the item? (required *)

    In accordance with the GDPR General Data Protection Regulations, you may wish to read our 'Privacy Policy' which documents how your personal data will be stored or used before submitting this information. It is also possible to request your personal information from (Bech Nordic Limited) or have this information deleted if required in the future.